Ready To Play?


Project 208 FC is now registering players for the 2024-2025 season through GotSport. If you do not have a GotSport account the system will walk you through it. All players will need to register through GotSport to be eligible to play. Please note that you will also need to upload a Birth Certificate. 

2013-2017 Players

  • $750.00 July 1st - June 30th 2025 

  • No additional fees for summer program July 1st - August 16th 

  • Uniforms (at least 2) will be provided along with a hooded sweatshirt 

  • Additional cost for socks and backpack 

  • 3 tournaments included (If the 2017 girls do not play in Tournaments some fees will be refunded)

2006-2012 Players

  • Annual $900.00 July 1st - June 30th

  • No additional fees for Summer, Winter, and Group Private Lessons

  • Uniforms (3)  and a logod First Lite Team Jacket Provided

  • Additional cost for socks and backpack

  • 3 tournaments included


Information on Fall, Winter and Spring programming beyond what is listed above will follow in a later email. We know planning is the key to family success and we will present the information as quickly as possible. Our goal for fall is some local play, 2-4 Boise games and 1 to 2 tournaments for our younger players - those not in middle school or high school.

Financial Aid

Project 208 FC is proud to offer financial assistance for all our soccer programming.  Financial aid awards are offered based on a sliding scale of family income, and other factors as applicable.  

To request financial aid, simply submit verification of family income (Page 1 of most recent IRS Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ) to

  • Full or partial waiver of registration fees will be granted based on family income.  Judgment is applied when a change in family status is impacting the need (e.g. employment, major illness, divorce).

  • Deadlines for all applications are as follows:

    • Competitive Program - June 10, or within 3 days of registration

    • Clinics - Within 3 days of registration

IMPORTANT:  Your child is not registered until we receive verification of income & partial payment as requested. Those receiving aid will be notified via email upon review. Thank you, and have a great season!